hey, I'm Vanessa Masse
Girl Boss
Nurse Practitioner
When I think about The “She Is…” Experience ® and how it started, I get a little frustrated at myself. For the longest time, God has put this in my heart, but for a long time I struggled with execution. The thought of taking something like this on freaked me out, in all honesty. For years I felt the urge to do fellowship and empowerment meetings with younger girls, but I hadn’t yet understood that it was God-led. In my years as a youth leader at the church I grew up in, I saw visions and dreams of meeting with the younger girls at the church and wanting to create an environment where they felt comfortable…comfortable enough to talk about topics that they didn’t feel comfortable enough to talk to their parents about, or that was even really being discussed in the church. When I presented the idea to our youth pastor, he liked it and said “go ahead.” Go ahead? I thought of it but I didn’t think I’d be the one to lead it! Was I even qualified to do that? What if they had questions I couldn’t answer?
As the years went by, I would have visions of meeting or hanging out with women and discussing life topics, but comfortable enough to pray and worship if needed. Why did I keep seeing this? I mentioned it to a close friend/prayer partner and when she suggested I follow through…we never spoke about it again. It wasn’t until 2018 when something took place with a younger girl that involved major depression that I clearly heard God tell me that this was the reason He has been putting this on my heart for years…to create a space where young women can feel comfortable enough to speak and a wise ear to listen. I felt horrible…I felt like I failed God. Somehow, September 1, 2018, with the help of a few ladies I knew and reached out to, we planned the first ever girls meet up, which I named “She Is…Empowered”. The girls who attended requested future meet ups, left great reviews, and this is how The “She Is…” Experience ® was birthed.
It is now evolving into something not only for younger women, but women my age as well. Tackling issues surrounding our identity in Christ, marriage, health, self esteem and overall life as a woman in these times is our goal. Because I believe that this is God-based, and God-led, I believe that attending our meetups/conferences means more clarity, direction, acceptance and understanding in different areas of our lives. I invite you to come and experience “She Is…”. To learn more about me, click here.

Get To Know | "She Is..."
First ever meet up: September 1, 2018
Who/What inspired It: God
How venues get selected: Based on # of attendees, purpose of meeting & atmosphere
Attire for events: comfortable but confident
Food/Drinks served: appetizers, light refreshments, sweets
Atmosphere: non-judgmental, fun, diverse, comfortable
God is within her, she will not fall
Our events are meant to empower, educate and encourage. When a woman knows her true identity, she becomes unstoppable! There is so much strength and capacity within you, don’t spend another day wondering and questioning your worth. Just reading this means you are ready for more! We hope to see you at our upcoming classes + events. Follow us on social media @SheIsExp